The recent news of the travel ban being lifted for Chinese nationals to travel to the United States has been met with mixed reactions from people all over the globe. The lifting of the ban was announced on the 15th of February 2021, and has been effective immediately. This move has been lauded by many, proclaiming the travel ban to be an unjustified restriction on movement.However, on the other hand, many have voiced their apprehension about the lifting of the travel ban amid the pandemic.
The travel ban originally came into effect on the 13th of March 2020 after President Donald Trump declared a national emergency due to the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases in the United States. The ban was a part of the restrictions that the national government imposed in order to prevent further spread of the virus.The restriction applied to all travelers from China, including those who had visas, were permanent residents, and even those with dual-citizenships.Many argued that this measure was unfair due to its implementation that was not based on scientific facts.
With the lifting of the ban, all those who were earlier restricted from entering the United States are now given the chance to make their way back, and also open opportunities for those looking to visit the United States for travel or work. According to the US Travel Association, tourism accounts for 8.9 million job in the United Stated and is responsible for generating $2 trillion in total economic output every year.
Public health experts have argued that the ban was not effective in containing the spread of the virus. It is highly likely that the virus was already present in the nation before the ban was implemented, hinting at other limitations that the ban imposed. Ron Klain, the White House Chief of Staff, held a media briefing shortly after the announcement of the lifting of the travel, and said that the measure will help restart the global economy however, the safety and security of the citizens have not been jeopardized.The US government has reminded that travelers are still required to follow the health protocol that is issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) such as proof of a negative COVID-19 virus test.
The lifting of the travel ban to the United States has been greeted with joy by many; however, amid the pandemic, it is important to adhere to safety protocols and guidelines issued by health experts. The virus is still a present threat, and this must not be taken lightly.
Impact of the Ban on Economy
The ban has caused economic implications on many businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry due to the drastic drop in international tourists, and the airline industry is no exception. Airlines have had to bear a hefty amount of losses due to the drop in travel and have resorted to cost-cutting measures such as layoffs, pay cuts and early retirements for its employees.
The lifting of the travel ban could bring a wave of change to these industries. Tourist destinations and transportation hubs are likely to be among the first to benefit the most due to the increase in people travelling. This could provide new jobs to citizens while restoring the lost faith in the industry.
The main impact of the ban can be seen on the national GDP. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) report from 2020, the travel and tourism sectors combined contribute around 10.3% to the GDP of the United States, and had a significant impact on job opportunities. The same report also estimated that the number of job losses in this sector due to international travel restrictions will amount to 8.1 million.
The lifting of the travel bans has the potential to revive these industries and push for economic recovery. Airlines have already begun rolling out tickets for flights from China to the United States, while some of the states, such as Hawaii, are offering ‘$5,000 grants for the first 50 travelers from China’.
Debates Around the Ban
The debates regarding the implementation of the travel ban are still ongoing, with opinions divided on the effectiveness of the ban in containing the virus. On the one hand, supporters of the ban argue that the ban curbed the spread of the virus and point to the decreased numbers of new cases in the United States.
On the other hand, opponents of the measure argue that the ban is an overzealous and punitive approach to the situation, and that the only way to control the spread of the virus is through implementing stricter health protocols, such as rigorous testing and quarantine measures. Additionally, a large portion of the opponents believe this to be an example of discrimination, and that the banning of the Chinese nationals to travel to the United States is a violation of the rights of those nationals.
The future of the travel ban industry is uncertain, with the nations around the world all taking a different approach to the issue. Some countries are gradually lifting restrictions and reviving their tourism industries, others are imposing stricter measures, and some are yet to lift any measures.
Research and Development Impact
The US travel ban has had a direct impact on many research and development studies that had Chinese nationals as participants. Previously, the US Department of State had issued a blanket ban that halted any form of travel until it was lifted altogether. This had caused many studies to suffer, and consequently the researchers had to cancel or put studies on hold and research collaborations have been hampered.
The lifting of the ban will open up new avenues for studies for researchers and facilitate collaborations with international partners. The influx of researchers and students, and consequently, the influx of knowledge, will benefit the country as a whole, and be a catalyst for the growth of the knowledge-based industry.
In order to further facilitate the resumption of research studies and international collaborations, the US government must put in place measures that encourage foreign nationals to come and partake in the studies.
Change in Political Tensions
The implementation of travel bans has caused an increase in political tensions between the US and China. The US government has accused China of mishandling the outbreak and of engaging in a cover up, leading to the rest of the world experiencing the effects of the virus. On the other hand, China has denied these accusations and stated that it was the virus being exported by the United States that caused the rapid spread.
The lifting of the travel ban could bring a positive change in the overall political climate between the two countries. It could lead to an improvement in diplomatic relations and negotiations, as well as more cooperation in the technology and trade business.
The travel ban also caused direct and indirect losses to the tourism industry in the United States. One of the main sources of income for the tourism industry in the US is Chinese tourists, making up around 20-30% of the revenue. The industry will have to make way for the influx of Chinese tourists in order to capitalize on this opportunity.
Summary and Future Perspectives
The ban has caused a wide range of implications on people and businesses in the United States; however, the lifting of the ban could potentially revive the damaged industries and bring back job opportunities and economic stability to the country.
The economic impacts of the ban will take time to become visible, however it is expected that in the coming months the growth in the industry will become evident as more foreign nationals enter the United States and resume their studies and collaborations. The travel ban could also potentially change the political dynamic between the United States and China.
Although the lifting of the ban is a welcome change, it is important to remember that the pandemic is still a present threat and there are many measures that need to be put in place in order to ensure the safety of all citizens and foreign nationals who are visiting or traveling to and from the United States.